Author and Freelance Writer

The Cougar
Beautiful, Wild and Dangerous

An im­pec­cably re­searched blend of nat­ur­al his­tory, sci­entif­ic re­search and first-per­son ac­counts – plus po­ten­tially life-sav­ing in­form­a­tion for any­one liv­ing, work­ing or trav­el­ling in cou­gar country.

Gold Winner Foreword Review’s IndieFab Nature Book of the Year (USA)

Finalist BC Book Prizes’ Bill Duthie Booksellers’ Choice Award (Canada)

Click here for more info about The Cougar

The Cougar

70 pho­tos with col­our insert

“Paula Wild cov­ers the gamut – from the cat’s bio­logy and demo­graph­ics to the les­sons people need to live in cou­gar coun­try. With this, will come un­der­stand­ing, and with un­der­stand­ing will come a bet­ter fu­ture for cougars.”

~ Howard Quigley Teton Cougar Project Director,
Executive Director Jaguar Programs at Panthera

A BC Bestseller!

Paula Wild's books

The Cougar can be ordered at book­stores through­out Canada and the USA. It can also be ordered from Indigo, Barnes and Noble, Amazon​.ca and Amazon​.com.

If you’d like an auto­graphed copy, please con­tact Paula.

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